Proces schvalování zákona o obraně státu z roku 1936


The study focuses on the process of passing the Act on National Defence in 1936. The speeches made by the members of the National Assembly and the Senate during the discussion of the National Defence Act capture the atmosphere of the difficult and critical period for national security in which this important law was discussed – the opinions of individuals and political parties. Act No. 136/1936 Coll. on the Defence of the State was the most fundamental and complete piece of legislation in the field of defence legislation in interwar Czechoslovakia. At the most general level, it specified the ways of securing the defence of Czechoslovakia and specified the means that could be used for this purpose. He defined the defence of the state as the totality of all measures of a military and non-military nature which served to protect the sovereignty, independence, integrity, constitutional unity, democratic-republican form and security of the country against external and internal threats. Responsibility for the effective preparation of the defence of the State in peace and war fell to the Government of the Republic.

Klíčová slova:
Military Administration; Military Laws; Organization of Military Administration; Interwar Czechoslovakia; Act on National Defence


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